2014 Blog 359: Christmas Day

Joyful day! The day just feels differently nice from any other day the whole year. The thought that this was the day Jesus was born is a beautiful thing. I feel everyone is happy whether they know Jesus or not.

Right now, it is a little cold outside, the sun is shining, the sky is somewhat blue, and it is a little bit snowing. It looks peaceful. Many are inside the houses celebrating. There are some who brave the cold to feel the fresh christmas air.

Merry Christmas?






2014 Blog 358: Christmas Eve

I feel that christmas eve is really exciting. It is when the final preparation of the big day is happening. This is also when last minute shopping and gift wrapping may happen. Ah. Regardless how much I tried to be prepared ahead, there are just some last minute things that happen.. every single year. It is the day when we seem to cook endlessly in preparation for a big party. Nevertheless how busy it might be, it is exciting and joyful.

Some filipino traditions, which we have strongly inherited from the spaniards is going on a midnight mass, then feasting on a midnight dinner, and giving the regalos (gifts).
I still cherish this tradition.

What traditions do you have?






2014 Blog 352: Hope

Tonight was the fourth novena night of my Simbang Gabi. Before the mass starts, there is a reflection of different virtues. Tonight was about the virtue of hope.  I think that Hope is something what christmas brings to you and me. This season, everyone in anyway, regardless of religious denomination, directly or indirectly come together in the spirit of giving and sharing.  Sometimes, I feel overwhelmed when I see so many good things that happen during this time. I feel that many become one.  I think it is incredible. This gives me hope that worldwide peace can still be an achievable thing.

Are you hoping?





2014 Blog 130: A Traveler’s Prayer

In every kind of travel we make, whether it is short or long, we always make a moment to pray. Whether we say it out loud, in silence, or subconsciously, it does not matter, we all pray in different ways. When we travel in any manner, whether it is a time to fly to the other side of the world, or just to drive to the nearby town, or even whether it is just to walk close by, there is a prayer to say.

Today, so nicely, a prayer founds its way to me.   It is  a  prayer which was written by Joseph R Veneroso.  I think it’s a prayer by all of us, who are pilgrims in different ways. After all, life is a journey itself.  So whether you stay put or go far distant,  this can be your prayer too.  Here you go:  https://bebatuda.wordpress.com/a-travelers-prayer/


Can you feel it too?



