2014 Blog 294: Would You Fight?

It has been about over 300 days since an old friend was diagnosed with cancer (stage 4). He was given a year. He has been living almost normal, aside from the occasional stomach pain. He would take taxi, go to the mall, or to a restaurant. Last summer, he literally said to her daughter “I don’t even feel I have cancer”.   I thought that was really great.  Really great.  He is still set to fly back to his home country in a few weeks, and perhaps live the rest of his days there.  Things were doing fine, until 3 days ago, he was sent to the emergency with severe stomach pain. He was given something to manage the pain and has stayed at the hospital since then. Last night, he started to rebel, that he just wants to go home already. He didn’t want to wear the oxygen mask, and has been requesting people not to try to prolong his life (and physical pain) anymore. He also explained that he wanted to die in the house, and not at the hospital. This is a hard day for our friend and his loved ones. We feel the struggle between fighting for life and just letting go.

Would you let go?











2014 Blog 293: Sleep Tricks

Today, we had a perfect weather. 20 Celsius and there is hardly wind. Just perfect. Too bad I was sick. I couldn’t go out for a bike or even for a walk. I didn’t go out to work, with the hope to catch up with sleep. But I just never fell asleep. The nap that I tried doing became more of just laying on the bed (or rather on the red couch).
So here is a question. How do you make yourself go on a deep sleep.. naturally? No sleeping pills. I know getting physically tired during the day, could give you a really good sleep. But not all for me. Biking and swimming mainly makes me sleep well. On the other hand, hiking, does not. It just keeps my mind kicking. Another way to get a good sleep, which my mom does is to drink warm milk in the night. She claims it does very well to her. Hmm, these are all I know. There might be some tea or herbal meds that can help with sleep. I should do some research.

Do you know a recipe for a sleeping potion?






2014 Blog 287 Moringana

For some reason, I just could not sleep last night.  My brain was somewhat transmitting a lot of thoughts in and out.  My eyes was open shut, and yes, I am whining for I did not get enough sleep.  Though I managed to get through the day.. I can tell.. definitely, I am now infected with the flu.  Sigh.   My throat hurts, I am coughing, and I feel awful altogether.   I need moringana to boost me up.  But I have finally ran out of this natural drug.   I thought I was tough enough to evade the flu, but here it is.  What to do now?  Take the usual cough tabs.  Take lots of Vitamin C.  Take lots of water.  .. and rest.

I will go to sleep now, ok?

2014 Blog 282: Flu Blues

It is the flu season.  Elektra got sick.  And then Spiderboy.  And then Batman.  Oh well, he is a lot of times sick.  And then Thorr.   So there is me and Flash left in the family not quite sick yet.   You know, at one time, I would bring the family for a flu shot.  Oh well, just maybe twice.  And then we never did. Ever. So far.  I didn’t think it made a lot of difference, so we really never went back anymore.  I think just lots of juice and water, and washing of the hands frequently will help avoid the flu. Though, I hear you say, sometimes, it is just unavoidable to get it.  True.  Especially, if you are in school, or at work, in public places, and transportation.  Just a couple of hours ago, I was at the store, buying things we need for a Funeral Service.  And the lady at the cashier was just so sick.  She was sniffing, coughing, and just looked drowsy.  I can feel how bad she was feeling, and after all, she gotta come to work.  I am pretty sure, she was gonna make many customers sick too, including me.

Hmm.. I better start overdosing myself with moringana?




2014 BLOG 104: It Is Tough To Say

He is 75, kind, and joyful. He isn’t a relative but has already become quite a relative. In the past year, he has been observing occasional stomach pain but really never seriously dealt it. He is aware that he is somewhat sick but was quite reluctant in seeing the doctor. He said that if in case it might be something that might take his life, then he is ready. Last christmas though, the pain got serious and the family finally managed to convince him to go to the hospital. Sadly, he got diagnosed with a terminal cancer. It struck the wife and the children. They just could not tell him about it. They were not ready to accept it. In a hopeful way, the family has chosen to doubt the doctor and seeded for a second opinion. So for the meantime while waiting, the family decided not talk about it. I can feel the pain of the family. It is now over a hundred days since he was initially diagnosed. He is weaker than before but is generally looking great. He is still living almost a normal life. But the day has come when the second doctor declared the same thing.

So now my dear, how do you tell it to him?   o__________________________________________________________o