2014 Blog 355: Gift Wrapping

Tonight was my gift wrapping day. I just finished wrapping 25 gifts and there are about 10 more I have to prepare. I really enjoy wrapping presents. I take time to pick the box, the wrapper, the ribbon, and the tag. Can you remind me though, why do we wrap them? Thorr said it would be a lot easier if I would just stop wrapping and just put the gift in a decorated box, and that’s it. Uhmmm, he got a point. That would be quicker. In fact, it will even save a lot of paper. But then it is not me. I still like the traditional wrapping. Besides, we can put wrappers to the recycle afterwards. Not too bad for Mother Earth. I just like the idea when the receiver will have time to untie the ribbon and unwrap the gift. It lengthens the excitement of opening.

Do you wrap or not?




2014 Blog 350: Cake Pop

Another beautiful thing about this season is the crave to make something from scratch and give.. like bake!  ckaepopaa Elektra decided that she will try to make cake pops for the first time and give it away. She looked up the procedure online. It did not sound so hard at all.  All it needed most was the inspiration to do.  So we bought the ingredients and materials and played a christmas song along. It was exciting. She baked and made cake balls and turned them into lollipops. I did the taste test of course.

In simple steps: bake a vanilla cake, crumble it (avoiding the bottoms), mix with frosting, form lollipop size balls, slab a lollipop stick, dip it on melted white chocolate, then cool.   Of course, decorate it as desired.

What are you baking?




2014 Blog 344: Christmas Cards

Just finished doing a few christmas cards. I mean.. actual christmas cards. I am back doing it you know.
I have been guilty of having some plenty of years in the past when I stopped writing and sending christmas cards, and abused the use of electronic greetings. But I realized that with electronic greetings, there are many things that are getting missed. I think there is nothing more heartfelt than a load of handwritten small simple notes. So I started doing it again in the past few years. It will be impossible for me to send cards to all my friends, so I try to at least do it to very few closest people in my life. If you are sending some too, try to send them soon. It is best when it is received not past christmas day.

Are you mailing some too?



2014 Blog 343: Feeling More Merry

xmasbirds5We had an awesome weather today.  It was just a pleasant day to go out.  And to go from one shop to shop, and to shop was the only brilliant thing I could think of.  It was not so busy for a tuesday night.  So it was relaxing.  And I have my list finally sorted out.  Just saying.   Here is what I brought home for myself today though.  It is a picture that I caught in one of the shops.  It was painted on a white plate.  I did not bring home the plate.  It was too expensive.  But, I kept the picture in mind.  Inspiring.  This is one thing I love on christmas season.  The stores are so full of lovely things.  You do not have to buy them.  But, you can bring home the idea.  I feel merry.

Are you merry tonight?




2014 Blog 341: Merry Memories

20141207-215918.jpgI found some old christmas tree ornaments that we have used in the old house. They are now things that do not go with our current christmas tree but they are things I still don’t want to let go. If you have something like that too.. here is an idea. Simply tie them up in one long string (i.e yarn, twine, ribbon, etc). You could even also sew it on a wide pretty ribbon. Try to put space between the items randomly. Put a knot in between the items the items apart. Once you got them all in one string then you can easily hang them anywhere. Literally anywhere… on the fireplace, by the window, by the curtain, on the lampshade, etc. It will look good and just so merry on its own.

Do you have old christmas ornaments?





2014 Blog 333: Is It a Thousand Words?

I am a little bit speechless.
However… tell me.
Does a picture say a thousand words?





2014 Blog 316: Empty Walls

We still have some bare walls in our house which is still empty, waiting for my hands to create something. I think that wall of chalkboard was still a brilliant idea. We are still using and enjoying it. The other ideas I thought of, is to paint a mural on a wall. But just like any other home project, it is hard to find time to prepare and to actually do it. So I have decided to do an alternative. Drawing on the wall from scratch still seems a better idea, just because you can decide what you want and pick the colors you want and create the mood you want. And well, it can be something you can be proud of. But for now, that better idea will have to postpone. For a quick alternative, I have found wall decals or wall murals that are ready to use. Some can stretch out from floor to the ceiling. There are a few that you can pick from department stores. Not too bad. But there are some that you can order online which gives more options. Not too bad at all. Don’t worry, I am still saving one big wall for that better idea.

Now, which wall should I tackle?




2014 Blog 307: Speechless





Sometimes we get speechless by the many thoughts we have in mind.   Sometimes they clutter together.. that it becomes incomprehensible.   Sometimes it hurts too much.. that you’d rather not say.  Sometimes it is unbelievable that you just want to skip the effort of explaining.  So never mind. Sometimes the feeling is too beautiful..that you cannot find the right words for it.  Sometimes there are just no words.  Sometimes it does not make sense.. so you just leave it unspoken.    But no words  are kept hidden forever.  They all reveal in time.. in some ways.  So you can be speechless..  for now.


Are you? Speechless?





2014 Blog 301: Pumpkins

Mr. T brought in pumpkins from their farm, to give away for free. I happily brought home two! And gladly I decided that definitely this year, I will carve the pumpkins! I have always thought it is hard but I was totally wrong. All I needed was to make time and some Halloween spirit. So me and spiderboy worked on the two pumpkins together. We scooped out the fibrous seedy stuff, and then decided to make it simple. We carved out the eyes.. the mouth.. the teeth… then put tea lights in it. I am proud of the first Jack o’ Lanterns I have ever made. Oooohalalala!

What do your pumpkins look like?







2014 Blog 284: Today’s Painting

It was beautiful at the cemetery today. So serene. The pine trees stand so tall and ever so green. But the rest of the other trees are now changing colors. The wind comes and goes.. playfully sweeps the scattered leaves on the ground. And being there, is like being in a painting.

This is the painting that I would remember this day when we buried her. I believe that she is at peace now. Prayers have been said and still shall continue, perhaps forever.

Just like the rest of the ones whom we love and who have passed away, she will stay in our hearts. Though now physically settled on the ground, but indeed spiritually settled in heaven.


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