2014 Blog 153: A Kid’s Meal

After swim lessons, the eight year old boy grabbed a bag of cheddar cheese popcorn from the vending machine. He seemed pretty excited. He did not eat it on our way home. It was kinda odd. We got home and he had to show it to his brother.  We know it was not for his brother. We wondered.  He was not telling something.  He still looked so excited. He had it many times before, so what is new?  Then he asked me for a cup of milk. As soon as he had it, he opened the bag of cheddar cheese and poured some of it into the cup of milk. Really. I asked him if was experimenting something and he quickly answered, with a big smile, that he just wanted to try if it will taste good. Yes, he was having a food experiment. He let the popcorn soak a little bit.  As soon as he thought it was good already, he drank the milk and then munched the popcorn into his mouth. He concluded, with a bigger smile, that it is good indeed. Nothing else is said but he asked for more milk. I believe him but I did not dare tried.

Does it sound like a good snack to you?


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