2014 Blog 355: Gift Wrapping

Tonight was my gift wrapping day. I just finished wrapping 25 gifts and there are about 10 more I have to prepare. I really enjoy wrapping presents. I take time to pick the box, the wrapper, the ribbon, and the tag. Can you remind me though, why do we wrap them? Thorr said it would be a lot easier if I would just stop wrapping and just put the gift in a decorated box, and that’s it. Uhmmm, he got a point. That would be quicker. In fact, it will even save a lot of paper. But then it is not me. I still like the traditional wrapping. Besides, we can put wrappers to the recycle afterwards. Not too bad for Mother Earth. I just like the idea when the receiver will have time to untie the ribbon and unwrap the gift. It lengthens the excitement of opening.

Do you wrap or not?


