2014 Blog 148: Snickers Ice Cream Bar

Yeah. It’s what it says. Snickers in an ice cream bar. Have you tried it? I found it 2 days ago in a vendo machine at the Rec Center. It just magnetized me the first moment I saw it.  I just could not get one at that time because the vendo machine was of course broken. But my children promised me that I shall get one the next time we are at the Rec Center. And that is today. So truly, I got my snicker ice cream bar today.

It is quite expensive for a little ice cream bar to buy from a vendo machine. And it is pretty heavy load of calories to indulge. But what the heck. I got my first piece today! Oh the first bite was heavenly. Imagine.. vanilla ice cream mixed,  peanuts, layered with caramel, and coated with crunchy snickers chocolate.   It is dangerously good.

20140528-220251.jpgIf you like snicker chocolate bar, I think you should not miss the ice cream version. I have not seen it at places where I do my regular grocery shopping.  So now I  need to hunt it down.

Where else can I get a snickers ice cream bar?







